OHSL Supports World Cancer Research Day

World Cancer Research Day is September 24, 2017 and OHSL has joined with over 100 organizations and nearly 10,000 individuals to support this important day.

The World Cancer Research Day aims to create and consolidate a yearly momentum to raise awareness and commitment for research on cancer in order to increase survival of cancer patients, to facilitate access to scientific advances worldwide and to reduce the global burden of cancer.

World Cancer Research Day is an initiative spearheaded by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (Asociación Española de Contra el Cáncer – AECC). Other organizations supporting World Cancer Research Day include the American Society of Clinical Oncology and WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer and the U.S. National Cancer Institute. A full list of supporters can be found here.

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OHSL, with its work under the Indo-U.S. Cancer Knowledge AllianceICTBiomed and various other projects and consortia, have long been committed to expanding the world’s cancer research and treatment knowledge base, and creating and supporting teams of scientists around the world in various activities.

See below for more information on World Cancer Research Day